This module lasts four months, with eight live, 3-hour, virtual gatherings taking place fortnightly. The course is usually held from March to June and September to December each year.
* Subtitles in English are available for all videos on YouTube
Included in this module:
24 hours of live virtual meetings (with special guests, videos from the School’s collection, sharing circles, and exercises that engage our mental, emotional, body, and soul intelligences, among other activities);
Access to a virtual platform with new learning materials available with each session: videos, articles, practical activities to mobilise the four intelligences, guidance for self-observation rituals, guided meditations, etc;
Access to an online group for the egregore
- Personalised support throughout the course from the “guardians of the subtle field of the egregore”
At the end of the course, an optional in-person immersion with the group is offered to participants, which takes place either at ESI’s headquarters or at a partner location.
The meetings are generally organized in 4 phases:
Introduction: an opening circle to welcome participants, a meditation to connect the group through a shared energetic vibration and a presentation of the meeting;
A presentation on the theme of the session from guest speakers either in person or through video format, and time for exchange/ discussion within the group;
Sharing circles based on relevant themes of the day, in “element groups” (Earth, Fire, Water or Air) or in pairs;
Conclusion: creative activities/ activities which invoke the body intelligence, discussion about the next steps and closing the meeting.
Between each meeting, we give specific individual and group activities that mobilise the 4 intelligences in order to foster a long-distance group connection and to create an egregore, or intentional community. This connection at the collective level acts as a catalyst for change at the individual level.
The meetings take place through the Zoom platform, which allows the creation of breakout groups.
Topics covered per meeting:
First meeting
Presentation of the course, the School, the participants, and an introduction to the “new holistic-quantum paradigm”
Second meeting
Deepening on the new holistic-quantum paradigm
Third meeting
Exploring the approach and methodology of the Integral Ecology School with Débora Nunes
Fourth meeting
The planet’s bio-climatic limits and our external ecology with Emerson Sales
Fifth meeting
Alternative intentional communities
Sixth meeting
Nonviolent Communication, conflict management and our internal ecology with Diana Manneh
Seventh meeting
Alternative and shared practices of Integral Health
Eighth meeting
Collective and creative evaluation of the course, celebration and conclusion
Main objectives of the introductory module:
Understand the difference between the old and new paradigms and to observe the processes of transition towards a more holistic-quantum paradigm in the world and in oneself;
Learn to observe yourself with more discipline in terms of your four intelligences: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual;
Better perceive the natural elements within oneself (fire, water, air, and earth) and link them to the four intelligences;
Understand what the “subtle quantum field” is and begin to experience it more consciously, through practices like group rituals;
Integrate the rituals for the four intelligences into one’s life and develop them concretely: so that the spine becomes more aligned, the mind more holistic, the heart more welcoming, and the soul more connected;
Set concrete intentions and goals for your personal transition (“transition plan”) to reinforce coherence between what we think, what we feel, what we say, and what we do, using the two questionnaires proposed during the course (on external and internal ecology) as well as the book “Auroville 2046: After the end of one world”;
Benefit from participation in an intentional community where people have the same quest as you and are willing to help each other evolve in the Transition process.
Coordinators :

Christophe Kaufmann
Retired psychiatrist and psychotherapist. He loves getting involved in projects that support the future like ESI, leaving his comfort zone, participating in creations of the collective intelligence, cultivating spirituality, confidence, engagement, and cooperation to evolve together towards more coherence.

Ruby Collins
Aspiring student of Life. She is actively participating in ESI’s offerings in French and English and is helping with the development of the School in English. Her joy lies in cultivating homecoming to our deep inner being and reconnecting to the universal Truth.
Financial contribution
We are offering three options for conscious contribution according to your means:
Solidary rate
Average rate
Tarif soutien
Visit Instagram (@integralecologyschool) for updated information on prices and upcoming classes